Thursday 7 November 2013


TCP: Transmission Control Protocol 
IP: Internet Protocols

     There exist many types of internet protocol i.e. the set of communications protocols used for the Internet. However, TCP proves to be the most common type that these two always go together, as in TCP/IP. The protocol was first being specified by Vint Cerf in 1974, but came to work in 1984 with the Internet.  

     One reason for its common usage is because of its reliability; it ensures secure transmission of huge amount of data over the network. Another reason is TCP alone could handle data from different packets switching networks, removing the need for other type of protocols. This eliminates problem caused by heterogeneity of the data, be it of different services, interfaces or protocols.

     When an internet user goes to web browser and send data, the internet TCP/IP is acting like some sort of middle-man to carry the data to available web server. It specifies how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed and received at the destination

   Today's TCP/IP uses network overlay to separate between transport (TCP) and network (IP) layer. It forms intermediate layer between application and transmission media, resulting in efficient implementation and global addressing.

Internet Address
    Internet address is actually an IP address for internet protocol. It is constructed of 32 binary numbers, divided into four octets. However, 32 binary numbers are quite difficult to read, let alone remember, therefore it is often converted to dotted decimal format.

    I would show you how to convert the 32-bit address to dotted decimal format in the following table. 

For example, take 10000000111111010001010100111010.

These numbers should be divided into four octets i.e. four of eights. Each number in the octet corresponds to:

27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 (in order)

   Binary Octet  
   Dotted decimals   
      10000000      128+0+0+0+0+0+0+0             128
      11111101    128+64+32+16+8+4+0+1               253
      00010101    0+0+0+16+0+4+0+1              21
      00111010    0+0+32+16+8+0+2+0              58

Therefore this results in IP address of

The Domain Name System

    Even so, it is quite difficult to remember the digits in the dotted decimal format for an IP address. Therefore, a system called the Domain Name System was devised to make things easier for us, the internet user. The system translates between unique alphanumeric domain names and IP addresses of devices connected to the internet, resolving the problem.

    To conclude my post, I would like to share this page ComputerHistory. It tells of history of networking as it is today. Plus I leave you with this video. It should be helpful!



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